Vergecast: MacBook Air and iPad Pro reviews and how COVID-19 is affecting tech companies

Vergecast: MacBook Air and iPad Pro reviews and how COVID-19 is affecting tech companies

Two new Apple product reviews published on our site and our YouTube channel this week: the 2020 versions of the MacBook Air and the iPad Pro, reviewed by Verge editor-in-chief Nilay Patel and executive editor Dieter Bohn, respectively.

Nilay and Dieter also co-host The Verge’s podcast The Vergecast, so on this week’s episode, they dive into those reviews and compare how each managed their workloads on a practical day-to-day basis. What is the computer to buy in 2020 for the average consumer?

But before all of that, this week marked a visible change in how tech companies are handling the coronavirus pandemic. Zoom is transforming from an enterprise app to an essential consumer app, handling everything from work-from-home calls to family video chats, Amazon’s warehouse workers are petitioning to improve safety measures in their facilities, and streaming apps like Disney Plus, YouTube, and Netflix are reducing streaming quality as internet traffic increases. The Vergecast tackles how these reactions from the tech and culture sections of the world are changing the ways we use the internet.

There’s a whole lot more in between all of that — like a Dell app that can mirror your iPhone on your PC, Huawei releasing the P40 Pro, and Paul’s weekly segment “It’s my year of the Linux desktop, boys” — so listen through here or in your favorite podcast app to hear it all.

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