Tag Archives: immunity

Herd Immunity Today, Gone Tomorrow

corona herd immunity

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay By ALEX WELTE As of the time of writing (mid-October 2020), there is much talk in South Africa about a ‘second wave’ of COVID-19. In Europe, it is much more than talk, with COVID-19 diagnoses, hospital admissions, and deaths, not to mention ‘restrictions’, all …

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How Long Does COVID-19 Immunity Last After Recovering? : Shots

How Long Does COVID-19 Immunity Last After Recovering? : Shots

Researchers have been investigating how long antibodies to the coronavirus last in people who have recovered from infections. Simon Dawson/AP hide caption toggle caption Simon Dawson/AP Researchers have been investigating how long antibodies to the coronavirus last in people who have recovered from infections. Simon Dawson/AP So many people are counting on a vaccine to…

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What is herd immunity and could it work with COVID-19?

What is herd immunity and could it work with COVID-19? Herd immunity is when a virus can no longer spread easily because enough people are immune to it. That lowers the chances of the virus jumping from person to person and reaching those who haven’t been infected yet.People can become immune to certain viruses after…

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