We Finally Know Why Justin Bieber Was Towed During That ‘Carpool Karaoke’

We Finally Know Why Justin Bieber Was Towed During That ‘Carpool Karaoke’

Justin Bieber’s latest “Carpool Karaoke” with James Corden aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of “The Late Late Show.”

And viewers finally got to find out what that towing controversy was really all about.

Footage filmed by a bystander last month showed Corden and Bieber recording the segment inside an SUV that was being towed on a trailer. The video went viral, with many people mocking the apparent staging of the comedy bit.

Saw James corden and Justin Bieber filming carpool karaoke and this is why I have trust issues — he isn’t even driving! pic.twitter.com/bkP9moGJmu

— Zoli ⚡️ (@zolihonig) January 23, 2020

Corden later revealed he always drives the car himself “unless we’re doing something where we think it might not be safe, like a dance routine.”

And a routine for Bieber’s hit “Yummy” is exactly what prompted Corden to take his hands off the wheel during the latest episode, presumably as they were being towed.

Elsewhere in the bit, Bieber explained challenging Tom Cruise to a fight, arm-wrestled with Corden and sang the “Smelly Cat” song from “Friends.” 

Check out the clip here:

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