Beaumont Hospital treating the most Covid-19 patients

Beaumont Hospital treating the most Covid-19 patients

Updated / Tuesday, 7 Apr 2020 07:13

Dublin's Beaumont Hospital currently has the most admitted coronavirus patients in the country
Dublin’s Beaumont Hospital currently has the most admitted coronavirus patients in the country

New figures seen by RTÉ News have revealed that Beaumont Hospital in Dublin has the largest number of confirmed cases of Covid-19, with 133 patients in the hospital.

It is followed by St James’s Hospital, which has 95 cases and the Mater with 87, both in Dublin.

Outside of the capital, Cavan General is caring for 34 cases and University Hospital Limerick has 33.

The figures are contained in an internal Health Service Executive report for key staff.

It reveals that nationally there are 473 suspected cases of Covid-19 in hospitals awaiting test results, with the largest number at Tallaght University Hospital where there are 23 such patients.

The report shows there are 2,450 vacant general beds in public hospitals.

There are 130 vacant critical care beds.

The National Public Health Emergency Team will meet today to discuss the current approach to dealing with the coronavirus.

It is also due to consider how childcare supports can be provided safely for healthcare staff and will advise the Government on this.

Figures show that 169 patients have been admitted to intensive care units with the virus to date.

The latest data is that 33 people have recovered from ICU.

There have been 174 deaths from the virus in the Republic of Ireland.

The median age of deaths here is 81.

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