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WATCH | ‘I don’t sleep. I’m always getting Covid-19 calls’

WATCH | ‘I don’t sleep. I’m always getting Covid-19 calls’

One of Port Elizabeth's largest funeral parlour services say some hospitals have asked him to store bodies as deaths rise.Another undertaker explains why he refuses to store the bodies of people who died of Covid-19.Private hospitals say they have made arrangements for holding facilities on their premises.One of Port Elizabeth's biggest funeral parlour services says…

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Coronavirus: What’s happening around the world on Saturday | CBC News

Coronavirus: What’s happening around the world on Saturday | CBC News

Here's what's happening with COVID-19 around the world on Saturday.Medical technicians wearing personal protective equipment get ready to collect samples at a COVID-19 testing centre in Chennai, India, on Friday. (Arun Sankar/AFP via Getty Images)The latest: India coronavirus cases now total more than 500,000. Russia's daily number of new COVID-19 cases stays below 7,000. Texas and…

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‘It’s a war’ -19 frontline | News24

‘It’s a war’ -19 frontline | News24

Nurses have been on the frontline since the pandemic hit South Africa. Chris McGrath/Getty Images A Groote Schuur Hospital nursing assistant has described dealing with Covid-19 as "a war". Judith Parenzee has already lost colleagues to the virus.She says her days are spent rushing from one patient to the next.Groote Schuur Hospital nursing assistant Judith…

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